Telford’s Town Deal Board which includes representatives from the public, private and community and voluntary sectors were involved in the development of the Town Investment Plan for the town.
Building on the shared understanding of our town’s key challenges and opportunities, the Board developed the vision for Telford and a plan for growth and investment aimed at levelling up our local communities, informed by stakeholder and community consultation, including:
This campaign provided an opportunity for people to have a say in how they thought the money should be spent. Over 100 comments were received.
This consultation established resident views and priorities for local centre regeneration in Oakengates and Wellington. On-line surveys also attracted more than 200 responses.
1,900 responses identified resident views about the quality of Telford’s arts and culture offer with a particular focus on Oakengates Theatre.
Over 5,500 responses received capturing resident views and priorities for Telford Town Centre/Station Quarter investment and issues and priorities for investment in our borough towns.
Over 700 tourism, retail and hospitality businesses took part in a business needs survey and gave their views on priorities for sector investment and growth. In addition, 1,800 people responded to a customer perception survey.
Engagement took place with with education and skills providers; town Centre business owners and developers; regional and national stakeholders; local centre town and parish councils, to identify priorities for investment in town and local centre regeneration.
Telford's Towns Fund Engagement Plan (PDF, 2.05MB) which was submitted as part of Telford’s Town Investment Plan provides a more detailed overview of the engagement carried out. COVID-19 meant that most of the engagement had to be virtual through online surveys and online workshops, social media campaigns and local press.
Consultation and engagement is ongoing with project stakeholders and the local community as each project is developed. Further information about the consultation that has been carried out for each project is available to view using the following links: